To prevent dirty environment and to save our planet, STOP LITTERINGThe solution to stop littering starts with US. Changing our behavior, like littering, is a way to prevent our environment to become dirtier.

Each person must accept responsibility for their actions and influence the actions of others around them at home, at school, in your place of business, and in the community at large.


  1. Be an example to other people especially to the children. DO NOT LITTER.
  2. If you see some pieces of trash, don’t just pass by and leave it there. PICK IT UP and PUT IT INSIDE A GARBAGE CAN.
  3. Every week, pick up all the litter in front of your house, including the litters on the street.
  4. Make sure that your trash cans have lids that can be securely attached. If you have curbside trash service, don’t put out unopened containers or boxes filled with trash.
  5. Be sure to have a litter bag in your car.
  6. Ask your neighbors and or friends to join you in cleaning up one public area where litter has accumulated.
  7. Find out how you can plant and maintain flowers along a curb or sidewalk because people litter less where areas have been beautified.



Change begins with YOU!

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